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Gout is a painful condition in which uric acid, a waste product that is naturally occurring within the body, rises above normal levels. Rather than being flushed out by the kidneys and through the urine, as it normally is, it forms crystals and deposits in the joints.

These deposits give rise to inflammation of the joints, causing severe pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness of the area. Most typically the joint affected is that of the big toe, but gout can also affect the ankle, knee, foot, hand, wrist, and elbow. Uric acid crystals may also form deposits in other areas such as under the skin or in other soft tissues, and in the kidney or urinary tract.

This protocol addresses the body’s basic imbalance when it is overwhelmed with POOR protein digestion in the presence of weakened gut microbiome, decreased stomach acids, and the inability to handle and digest a protein overload.

We suggest the elimination of dense proteins for 7-14 days while this crisis is addressed, with supporting supplementation, in order to further assist the body to regain protein digestion balance. Then, know and understand that protein is the building blocks of your body, and you need to eat it in the form of animal foods – which does not just include meat. You need to eat lightly cooked beef, raw dairy, eggs (Mary’s Milkshake), and seafood such as sushi or deep ocean fish and broth. Understand a human’s digestive tract is designed for animal food digestion. Animal foods in their rarest form, are the easiest to digest of all foods.

It is believed that a diet high in meat contributes to the symptoms of gout, however, it is our experience that the poor digestion of these meats is a greater contributing factor. So once the crisis is over which usually stems from a sugar overload (not animal foods), causing a microbiome imbalance and damage to your gut and ability to digest protein, you can regain the ability to properly digest and assimilate the dense animal protein that has been the diet of human beings for millennia.

We suggest doing the GAPS diet after the crisis is over (listen to Podcasts, #4 Intro to the Gut, #42 Scientific Healing (GAPS) – Being Healthy Inside Out, #43 What Is GAPS and How Does It Work?, #135 GAPS SOUP – Saving Your Life in 2018, #150 GAPS – Quick and Easy), but start on the Gout Supplementation immediately.

Gout Protocol

Phosfood Liquid, (6 full droppers, 3-4 x day until the pain subsides, then 1-2 droppers a day, 5 days a week) Put the droppers in a small shot-glass, add water, then SHOOT DOWN. Rinse mouth with water immediately. This will also help soften kidney/gall stones and help to reduce plaque on your teeth.
A-C Carbamide, (12/day), a natural osmotic diuretic
Arginex, (6 twice a day), flushes and clears the kidneys of a buildup of the amino acid L-Arginine.
Chlorophyll Complex Pearls, (9/day), blood cleanser. (Your stools may turn green; this is perfectly fine)
Renafood, (12/day), powerful kidney support, which helps to clear the blood of uric acid
LongLife Energy Enzymes, (2 per meal) for further protein digestion
Okra Pepsin E3, (3/meal, 15 minutes before each meal), small intestine support for protein handling and digestion
Organically Bound Minerals, (3 a day) a good source of potassium
Zypan, (3-4 with each meal) protein digestion
DiGest Forte, (Suck momentarily and then swallow 2 before each meal) Bitter herbs that greatly support the digestive system.
Turmeric Forte, (6/day), inflammation and pain
Burdock Complex, (1:2 liquid, 4mL/day), systemic detoxification

Questions about this protocol? Why not ask Dr. Jack and Mary directly? They will respond to patient texts at 801-556-1477 and emails to There are no “dumb questions” and you can expect absolute discretion and privacy.


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This website is not literature, nor shall it be interpreted as such by anyone. In accordance with the right of freedom of the press guaranteed to us by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, this website was created for informational purposes only.

The products mentioned in our podcasts and/or protocols on this website are not intended to take the place of medical care that you can get from a licensed medical physician. They are intended as nutritional support to help support the structure and function of your body and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or even prevent any disease. It is provided as nutritional information to support your body.

This website is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for treating any disease or symptom; they are provided for nutritional support only. No person should attempt self-diagnosis of a disease or self-treatment of any kind, but use these protocols for nutritional support only, and they should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician.

Dr. E. Jackson & Mary H. Stockwell, CGP, or any person employed by The Forbidden Doctor, LLC, or Dr. Jack Stockwell and Associates, LLC, disclaim any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of implementing the protocols for nutritional support on this website.

Each person interested in a diagnosis should obtain a medical exam from a licensed medical doctor. In said exam, the medical doctor can tell you if you are healthy enough to eat whole food and rebuild your body. Seriously. Rebuilding, excretion and detoxifying can be rough.


Protocols, podcasts, recordings, charts, testimonials, documents, downloads, contained within this website are presented for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be construed as such. Always check with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your condition or before starting a new program of treatment. We at The Forbidden Doctor, LLC, (FD) cannot provide specific nutritional support or nutritional advice to individuals about their medical condition unless they have been evaluated in our clinic or through our virtual office. Forbidden Doctor is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by any podcast or document included in this website.

We have attempted to choose links to sites that we believe offer quality material and information. However, we do not endorse nor are we responsible for material you find on other sites.

Any case reports, testimonials, documents, handouts, or protocols, described on this website, in articles, or on podcasts do not constitute guarantees of similar outcomes for current or future patients.

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