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110: Are Vaccines Linked to Autism? It’s Settled! (Pt 2)

Vaccines and New Links to Autism

This week we bring you part 2 of Dr. Jack and Mary’s brand new update based on numerous vaccination and autism studies; some as new as February 2017. There is real toxicity and neurological damage from vaccines and the aluminum adjuvent within them. Additionally, events of increased immune function in pregnant women appears to have a demonstrably negative effect on the baby’s neurology, including a strong correlation with autism.

Last week we covered the first 3 important take-aways from all of this stunning new research, and this week we bring you the 4th major take away – and it’s a doozy.

Where do these studies lead from here, considering most of them were not from US sources? The answer to that question will involve each and every one of us and how much we are willing to get involved to spread the truth.

Tune in to fine out why!

Get the Raw Egg Whey Shake Recipe Mary mentioned in today’s show

Raw Egg Whey Shake Recipe
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