Tag Archives: osteoarthritis

132: Arthritis – Osteo and Rheumatoid

Arthritic hands on a table

In this podcast, Dr. Jack and Mary uncover the scientific foundations of our modern understanding of arthritis. In the clinic the Stockwells have helped people who couldn’t walk – even with drugs – because of their debilitating arthritis pain. The drugs, in fact, can make matters worse while masking symptoms. It’s a heart-breaking and disruptive […]

Osteoarthritis Can Take Your Life from You. It’s Time to Take It Back

Osteoarthritis Causes and Treatment

An osteoarthritis diagnosis can certainly be frightening, and the pain this condition brings is sometimes debilitating. However, you can fight osteoarthritis and win, and what you eat may play a significant role in that victory. What Is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a chronic, degenerative disorder whereby cartilage, the cushioning tissue surrounding a joint, degrades and gets rougher. Consequently, […]