Tag Archives: CBD

184: Forbidden Update on Heartburn, Lectins & Proton Pump Inhibitors

weight gain lectin banner

Ever wonder why we’re all gaining weight faster than ever? No matter what new health breakthrough we hear about, no matter what new fad diet or exercise regime people dream up, the US is on a terrifying trend of obesity, and something has to be done. And wouldn’t you know that our diets and our […]

183: The Hostile Legal Environment For Breast Cancer


What hope do we have when our legal system helps to keep alternatives to the “drugs for anything, drugs for everything” policy of US health care from ever seeing the right of day? This week, Dr. Jack shares his morning call-in show, with a troubling tale of legal jeopardy for a true innovator in alternative […]

182: The Forbidden Carnivore Diet – How to Lose 100 Pounds!


What does it take to lose 100 pounds? Let’s face it, most Americans need to lose weight. As the tidal wave of health problems from obesity threaten to swamp the boat of modern health care, it’s time for a reckoning. This hit close to home as our very own Dr. Josh Stockwell had life-changing health […]

181: Joseph Antell – Still Alive! A Survivor’s Story of Incurable Cancer


The incredible story continues. Joseph Antell has been on the show (almost 80 podcasts ago) to talk about his extraordinary battle against cancer and his body’s own immune system. It’s one of our most-listened-to shows and we’ve been talking ever since about having Joseph back on. This week, Dr. Jack and Mary interview their friend […]

180: A Crime Against Humanity – Suppression of Nutritional Truth


Is Forbidden Doctor “in cahoots with” Standard Process? More like, “in awe of” Standard Process. We’ve watched the power of organic concentrated whole food supplements change lives when drugs and antibiotics failed people time and again. We watched concentrated foods save Mary’s life after being malnourished for most of her adult life, simply eating a […]

179: Dr. Chris & Melissa Taylor on IBS, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis Forbidden Healing


No one seems to appreciate the seriousness of Ulcerative Colitis until you are in the thick of the affliction. And while the condition can become deadly serious for many sufferers, it’s possible that no person has had it quite as bad as one of our two guests on the show. This week Dr. Jack and […]

177: CBD Oil – Forbidden Until Now!

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It seems everywhere you turn these days, someone is selling CBD-infused products. The FDA does what it can, but the reality is, it’s hard to know which products to trust. And what about the plant where this active compound originates? Does CBD oil get people high the way marijuana does? Are all the claims around […]